Years of
"The truth is we can’t ever tell what the future holds. What we can do is focus on the present, and build in a direction that is good. Through my years in this work that’s where I put all my focus. Connecting with like minded, open hearted change makers. People creating the world we all want to be apart of. Through their personal journeys, their work and their passion."
Learn more about my offerings
"Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers." —Jose Luis Borges.

Bee Keeping
I began my beekeeping journey in 2015 after learning about Colony Collapse Disorder. Now, I manage an Apiary in Montclair, mentor adult beekeepers, and educate hundreds on the importance of protecting our pollinators.
Community Building
Engaging community members help bridge inequity gaps and contribute to overall health and well-being. I am determined to bringing communities together in radical fun ways, through food, crafting, and education!
Plants have the power to heal us in more ways than we know. By incorporating medicinal plants on my homestead I have created my own apothecary, providing food and shelter for native insects, and use the preserved plants for consumption.
Urban Farming
Urban farming has gained popularity in recent years, allowing anyone who dreams of farming to get their hands dirty..
For over 10 years I have worked on converting my Clifton property into a thriving and abundant ecosystem. I grow my own fruits and vegetables, compost, keep chickens, and run educational programs to help inspire people to do the same.
What fun is learning if you keep all the information to yourself? Each year I run dozens of workshops on my homestead and through partner organizations teaching folks new skills like canning, herbalism, gardening and so much more.Choosing to farm means going against the grain. In a world where people want instant gratification, farming teaches you patience.
My passion fuels me to learn and grow with you all, but it's my longing for roots that anchor me in my community. Over the years I have met so many amazing people on this platform, and through the work I do Montclair Community Gardens. I continue to be in awe of these amazing friendships,and connections to community. So many on the path of creating change in our world, it's the littlest things that ripple out... I didn't realize that starting this page would create a mycelium web friends! So THANK YOU!